Estuary Restoration

Freshwater from our rivers should not flow unabated into the sea, unless it’s absolutely required. Undertake a thorough review of all our existing and new projects which involves providing an outlet for water runoff to the seas. The state of Kerala should seriously think of enacting an “Estuary Restoration Act” with utmost priority to solve the issues we have created with our fresh water system thus creating today’s drinking water issues.


Estuary Restoration Act would enable a coordinated state wide approach towards estuary habitat restoration; forging of effective partnerships among public agencies and organizations; provide technical and financial assistance for estuarine habitat restoration projects; develop monitoring and research capabilities. Wetland Habitat conservation and restoration should be provided utmost importance and this assumes greater significance since Wetland Authority of Kerala has taken shape. Such an act becomes all the more urgent because of the Coastal highway that’s being conceived by the government. Fish Production in the state has been on a steady decline since our harbors have started to come up in regular frequency. Estuaries are the nurseries of the sea, without them fish wealth would decrease. Fisheries Department of Kerala is in denial mod, and we need urgent measures to restore our estuaries for safeguarding the state of KERALA and its future inhabitants. Urgent CAMPAIGNS and educating of our legislatures should be the need of the hour.


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