Mrs. Ajitha, aged 42, is suffering from kidney failure and is undergoing dialysis twice a week. Due to her medical condition, she is not able to work and meet her basic needs.
Help Foundation, through it's 'Food Kit for the Needy' programme, wishes to support needy families. With your online donations, we purchase groceries and deliver at their door steps, through our volunteers. The needy people are very happy, especially the elderly ones, as it has helped them immensely. Without your generous donations, it is very difficult for us to serve them.
Help Foundation, through it's 'Food Kit for the Needy' programme, wishes to support needy families. With your online donations, we purchase groceries and deliver at their door steps, through our volunteers. The needy people are very happy, especially the elderly ones, as it has helped them immensely. Without your generous donations, it is very difficult for us to serve them.
Mr. Udayakumar, aged 36, is in coma state since the past 2 years and the family seeks support. Due to his medical condition, his wife is unable to work.